Hirokazu Hata
Matches of Hirokazu Hata (under different names) top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.
Last added fights
Albert El Pinas VS Chester VS MARS VS Lacayo Sureno VS Caballero de Bushido VS Insane VS Astroid Zero VS Joey Torres VS Ethan Watson VS Sito Sanchez VS Junior Martinez VS Marc Menino VS Lex Lozano VS Nathan De Windt VS Mortero VS Raul Cruz VS Sebastian Alvarez VS Sangre Imperial VS Zarcos VS Vili Balance VS Xavi El Muro
2024 -
Pressing Quart
Rumble Match
Akira Nogami VS Hirokazu Hata
1987 -
Spring Flare Up 1987
- Night 21