Toshiaki Kawada - Fights
Matches of Toshiaki Kawada top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.
Johnny Ace & Takao Omori & Toshiaki Kawada VS Stan Hansen & Super Generation Army (Jun Akiyama & Kenta Kobashi)
1995 -
Champion Carnival 1995, night 19
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Toshiaki Kawada (c) VS Stan Hansen
1995 -
Excite Series #1995, night 12
Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship Match
Stan Hansen & Terry Gordy VS Genichiro Tenryu (c) & Toshiaki Kawada (c)
1988 -
Real World Tag League 1988, night 23
Tag Team Match
AJPW World Tag Team Championship Match