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Takayuki Iizuka - Fights

Matches of Takayuki Iizuka top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.

Masahiro Chono & Scott Norton VS Akira Nogami & Takayuki Iizuka
WCW - 1995 - Collision in Korea - Night 2 - Tag Team Match
Takayuki Iizuka VS The Great Kabuki
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, night 8
Takayuki Iizuka & Satoshi Kojima VS Yoshiro Ito & Koki Kitahara
NJPW - 1993 - G1 Climax 3, night 6 - Tag Team Match
Takayuki Iizuka & Akira Nogami & El Samurai VS Masao Orihara & Koki Kitahara & Nobukazu Hirai
WCW - 1993 - WCW/New Japan Supershow III - Six-Person Tag Team Match
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) VS Takayuki Iizuka & Tatsumi Fujinami
WCW - 1992 - WrestleWar '92 - Tag Team Match
Akira Nogami & Hiroshi Hase & Takayuki Iizuka VS Raging Staff
NJPW - 1992 - Explosion Tour 1992, night 13 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Shiro Koshinaka & Kuniaki Kobayashi & Takayuki Iizuka VS Tim Horner & Brian Pillman & Tom Zenk
NJPW ,  WCW - 1991 - WCW/New Japan Supershow I - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Black Tiger VS Takayuki Iizuka
NJPW - 1990 - New Spring Gold Series 1990, night 16





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