Miss Kitty
Statistics of Miss Kittybeta
Brainbustr Rank: NR using the average rating, on wrestlers with at least 10 matches with 5 or more ratings
6W - 2L - 0D
Average in singles competition
Wrestled for
1 different promotions
1. WWF
In the ring with
1 championship matches
1 (100%) wins
0 (0%) losses
0 (0%) draws
Time in the ring
00:00:00 average fight time
00:24:46 total fight time
excluding 0 matches where the duration is unknown
Overall ranking based on the average rating of matches
Overall ranking based on the average rating of singles "one on one" matches
All rankings are calculated based only on wrestlers with at least 10 matches and 5 or more ratings
All statistics are calculated on 79884 Pro Wrestling fights and 21935 Wrestlers. . The statistics on this page are for Miss Kitty under all its identities.