KOJIO - Fights
Matches of KOJIO top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.
KOJIO & Masahiro Takanashi VS Antonio Honda & Hagane Shinno
Gatoh Move
2023 -
ChocoPro #345
Tag Team Match
Hagane Shinnou VS Antonio Honda VS Chie Koishikawa VS KOJIO VS Sayaka Obihiro VS Miya Yotsuba VS Ken Ohka VS Masahiro Takanashi VS Tokiko Kirihara
Gatoh Move
2023 -
ChocoPro #302
Battle Royal Match
Kaori Yoneyama & Masahiro Takanashi VS KOJIO & Sayaka Obihiro
Gatoh Move
2023 -
ChocoPro #301
Tag Team Match