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Hugh Morrus - Fights

Matches of Hugh Morrus top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.

Immunity Battle Royal
WWF - 2001 - Survivor Series 2001 - Battle Royal Match
Chris Kanyon & Hugh Morrus VS The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq)
WWF - 2001 - No Mercy 2001 - Tag Team Match
Chris Kanyon & Hugh Morrus & Shawn Stasiak VS Albert & Big Show & Billy Gunn
WWF - 2001 - Invasion - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Team Canada VS Hugh Morrus & Konnan
WCW - 2001 - Greed - Tag Team Match
Hugh Morrus VS The Wall
WCW - 2001 - SuperBrawl Revenge
The Revolution VS The First Family
WCW - 1999 - Fall Brawl 1999 - No-Disqualification Match , Tag Team Match
Junkyard Invitational
WCW - 1999 - Bash at the Beach 1999 - Junkyard Invitational Match
60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1997 - World Ward 3 1997 - World War 3 Match
Hugh Morrus VS Konnan
WCW - 1997 - The Great American Bash 1997
Konnan & Hugh Morrus VS The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner)
WCW - 1997 - Slamboree 1997 - Tag Team Match
Joe Gomez VS Hugh Morrus
WCW - 1997 - SuperBrawl VII
Hugh Morrus VS Big Bubba Rogers
WCW - 1997 - Souled Out - Mexican Death Match
60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - World War 3 Match
Hugh Morrus VS Arn Anderson
WCW - 1996 - Hog Wild
Jim Powers VS Hugh Morrus
WCW - 1996 - Bash at the Beach 1996
Diamond Dallas Page & The Barbarian VS Meng & Hugh Morrus
WCW - 1996 - Slamboree 1996 - Lethal Lottery Match , Tag Team Match
Chris Kanyon VS Hugh Morrus
WCW - 1996 - SuperBrawl VI
60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1995 - World War 3 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match , World War 3 Match





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