Survivor Series 1988
Statistics of WWF - Survivor Series 1988 (Richfield Township, United States - 1988)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 1988-11-24
Country United States
State : Ohio
City : Richfield Township
Place : Richfield Coliseum
Match Details
4 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
0 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:29:48 average fight time
01:59:15 total fight time
excluding 0 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Tito Santana
Brutus Beefcake
Greg Valentine
André the Giant
Nikolai Volkoff
Hulk Hogan
Randy Savage
Jake Roberts
Bret Hart
Hillbilly Jim
King Haku
Jim Brunzell
Jim Neidhart
Davey Boy Smith
Dynamite Kid
Dino Bravo
Jacques Rougeau
Raymond Rougeau
Harley Race
Tully Blanchard
Scott Casey
Paul Roma
Bad News Brown
Ted DiBiase
Jim Duggan
Conquistador Dos
Danny Davis
Koko B. Ware
The Honky Tonk Man
Boris Zhukov
The Ultimate Warrior
Mr. Perfect
Ron Bass
Marty Jannetty
Jim Powers
Ken Patera
Sam Houston
Arn Anderson
Rick Rude
The Warlord
Big Boss Man
The Barbarian
Shawn Michaels
The Red Rooster
The Blue Blazer
Conquistador Uno