Beach Blast 1993
Statistics of WCW - Beach Blast 1993 (Biloxi, United States - 1993)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 1993-07-18
Country United States
State : Mississippi
City : Biloxi
Place : Mississippi Coast Coliseum
Crowd : 8600
Match Details
7 wins or losses
1 draws or no-contests
4 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:13:40 average fight time
01:49:22 total fight time
excluding 0 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Barry Windham
Paul Orndorff
Davey Boy Smith
Steve Austin
Paul Roma
Ric Flair
Col. Robert Parker
Arn Anderson
Maxx Payne
Brian Pillman
Rick Rude
Dustin Rhodes
Ron Simmons
2 Cold Scorpio
Erik Watts
Big Van Vader
Tex Slazenger
Lord Steven Regal
Johnny B. Badd
Marcus Alexander Bagwell
Shanghai Pierce