ROH On HonorClub
edition 9
Card, notes and results of the show ROH - ROH On HonorClub #9 (Pittsburgh, United States - 2023)
Broadcasting date
Taping date
Athena VS Lady Frost
The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) VS La Facción Ingobernable (Preston Vance & Rush)
Tag Team Match
Joe Ocasio & Mookie Summers VS Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta)
Tag Team Match
Brian Cage VS Leon Ruffin
Diamante VS Skye Blue
The Dark Order (Stu Grayson & Evil Uno) VS The Trustbusters (Jeeves Kay & Sonny Kiss)
Tag Team Match
Lee Moriarty VS Rocky Romero
Gringo Loco VS Blake Christian