Épisode 27
Card, notes and results of the show Rixe - Épisode 27 (Rennes, France - 2025)
Skaar (c) VS Alex Silva
Roi de la Bagarre Match
Cory Zero VS Agathe
Rixe Women's Championship Match
Agathe (c) VS Lauriana
Rixe Women's Championship Match
Les Enfants Terribles (Georges Balzac & Gustave Le Brun) VS Lucas Menil & Gwen Garrick
Tag Team Match
Tyson Dos Santos VS Jacob Vadocq VS Heddi Karaoui VS Joseph Fenech Jr.
Four-Way Match
Rixe Championship Concurrent n°1
Jean-Michel VS Tom LaRuffa
Hair vs Hair Match
Charles Crowley (c) VS Antoine Bernard
Rixe Championship Match