The Great American Bash
Statistics of JCP - The Great American Bash (Charlotte, United States - 1985)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 1985-07-06
Country United States
State : North Carolina
City : Charlotte
Place : American Legion Memorial Stadium
Crowd : 27000
Match Details
7 wins or losses
1 draws or no-contests
5 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:02:16 average fight time
00:18:15 total fight time
excluding 6 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Buddy Landel
Tully Blanchard
Jimmy Valiant
Ric Flair
Road Warrior Hawk
Ron Bass
Road Warrior Animal
Sam Houston
Arn Anderson
Ivan Koloff
Dusty Rhodes
Abdullah the Butcher
Buzz Sawyer
Manny Fernandez
Magnum T. A.
Nikita Koloff
Dick Slater
Ole Anderson
Paul Jones
Buzz Tyler
"Superstar" Billy Graham
Krusher Khruschev
Konga the Barbarian