Atomic 7 Atomicland
Statistics of Atomic! - Atomic 7 - Atomicland (Liverpool, United Kingdom - 2024)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Broadcasting date : 2024-08-30
Taping date: 2024-04-10
Country United Kingdom
State : England
City : Liverpool
Place : Azvex Brewing Co.
Match Details
7 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
2 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:00:00 average fight time
00:00:00 total fight time
excluding 7 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Eddie Dennis
Lana Austin
Charles Crowley
Safire Reed
Harley Hudson
Alexxis Falcon
Rob Drake
Will Kroos
Eve Bateman
Benjamin Harland
Jack Knudsen
Nathan Black
Troy Ryan
Sam Bailey
Padraig Quinlan
Jack Critchlow
Leon Grey
Tom McColl
Tony Wright
Aiton Steen
Christy Quinlan
Scott Oberman
Ryan Thorne
Teddy Reay
Dave Birch