Gorilla Position

Madusa - Lutas

Veja as lutas em destaque | Fight Of The Night

Encontre as últimas partidas de luta livre, classifique por empresa (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), lutador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulação ou data ou local da partida.

20 Woman Battle Royal
WWE - 2018 - Evolution - Battle Royal Match
Billy Kidman & Madusa VS Shane Douglas & Torrie Wilson
WCW - 2000 - Fall Brawl 2000 - Scaffold Match
Oklahoma VS Madusa (c)
WCW - 2000 - Souled Out 2000 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Evan Karagias (c) VS Madusa
WCW - 1999 - Starrcade 1999 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Akira Hokuto (c) VS Madusa
WCW - 1997 - The Great American Bash 1997 - Title vs Career Match , WCW Women's Championship Match
Luna Vachon VS Madusa
WCW - 1997 - Slamboree 1997
Madusa VS Akira Hokuto (c)
WCW - 1997 - Spring Stampede 1997 - WCW Women's Championship Match
Akira Hokuto VS Madusa
WCW - 1996 - Starrcade 1996 - Starrcade 1996 Women's Championship Tournament - WCW Women's Championship Match
Madusa VS Bull Nakano
WCW - 1996 - Hog Wild
Madusa VS Col. Robert Parker
WCW - 1996 - Uncensored 1996
Alundra Blayze & Kyoko Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa & Chaparita ASARI VS Bertha Faye & Aja Kong & Tomoko Watanabe & Lioness Asuka
WWF - 1995 - Survivor Series 1995 - Survivor Series Match
Bertha Faye VS Alundra Blayze (c)
WWF - 1995 - SummerSlam 1995 - WWF Women's Championship Match
Bull Nakano VS Alundra Blayze (c)
AJW - 1994 - Doumu Super Woman Great War ~ Big Egg Wrestling Universe - WWF Women's Championship Match
Bull Nakano VS Alundra Blayze (c)
WWF - 1994 - SummerSlam 1994 - WWF Women's Championship Match
Alundra Blayze (c) VS Leilani Kai
WWF - 1994 - WrestleMania X - WWF Women's Championship Match
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