Gorilla Position

Marcus Alexander Bagwell - Lutas

Lutas de Marcus Alexander Bagwell melhor avaliado e mais novo, filtrar por adversários, estipulações, promoções ou outro.

Diamond Dallas Page VS Marcus Alexander Bagwell
WCW - 1996 - The Great American Bash 1996
The American Males VS Blue Bloods (Lord Steven Regal & Earl Robbert Eaton)
WCW - 1995 - Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling - Tag Team Match
Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck VS Stars And Stripes (Marcus Alexander Bagwell & The Patriot)
WCW - 1995 - Uncensored - Tag Team Match
Romeo Valentino & Dino Casanova VS Stars And Stripes (Marcus Alexander Bagwell & The Patriot)
WCW - 1995 - SuperBrawl V - Tag Team Match
Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma) VS Stars And Stripes (The Patriot (c) & Marcus Alexander Bagwell (c))
WCW - 1994 - Halloween Havoc 1994 - Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Stars And Stripes (The Patriot & Marcus Alexander Bagwell) VS Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff (c) & Paul Roma (c))
WCW - 1994 - Fall Brawl '94: War Games - Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma) VS 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Alexander Bagwell
WCW - 1993 - Starrcade '93: 10th Anniversary - Tag Team Match
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) VS Marcus Alexander Bagwell (c) & 2 Cold Scorpio (c)
WCW - 1993 - Halloween Havoc 1993 - Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Tex Slazenger & Shanghai Pierce VS 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Alexander Bagwell
WCW - 1993 - Beach Blast 1993 - Tag Team Match
Marcus Alexander Bagwell VS Super Invader
WCW - 1992 - The Great American Bash 1992
Marcus Alexander Bagwell VS Scotty Flamingo
WCW - 1992 - WrestleWar '92
Marcus Alexander Bagwell VS Terrance Taylor
WCW - 1992 - SuperBrawl II
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