The Briscoes ( Jay Briscoe (c) & Mark Briscoe (c) ) VS The Mane Event ( Jay Lyon & Midas Black )
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HOG Tag Team Championship Match Tag Team Match Two Out Of Three Falls MatchVitoria Jay Lyon Midas Black
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Luta Livre
Mighty Mante
Nolo Kitano
HOG Cruiserweight Championship
1 Called Manders
Carlos Ramirez
Masha Slamovich
HOG Women's Championship
Charles Mason
Lince Dorado
HOG Crown Jewel Championship
Jacob Fatu
Nick Aldis
HOG Heavyweight Championship
Joey Silver
Ninja #1
Ninja #2
Nolo Kitano
Michael Fain
Ben Ruten
Scramble Six-Way
Low Ki
Jay Briscoe
Mark Briscoe
Jay Lyon
Midas Black
HOG Tag Team Championship Tag Team Two Out Of Three Falls
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