Ciclope VS John Wayne Murdoch VS Bam Sullivan VS Lou Nixon VS 2 Tuff Tony VS Mr. Danger
Luta para se tornar o desafiante número 1 ao GCW World Championship
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Fight Club 2024, noite 1 - The Art Of War Games
Luta Livre
Dominic Garrini
Kevin Ku
Grim Reefer
Tag Team GCW Tag Team Championship
Gringo Loco
Alec Price
Kerry Morton
Masha Slamovich
JCW Championship
Leon Slater
Sidney Akeem
John Wayne Murdoch
Bam Sullivan
Lou Nixon
2 Tuff Tony
Mr. Danger
Six-Way GCW World Championship Hardcore Scramble
Blake Christian
Cole Radrick
Brandon Kirk
Rina Yamashita
GCW Ultraviolent Championship Death
1 Called Manders
Matthew Justice
Joey Janela
Broski Jimmy
Bully Ray
Mance Warner
Matt Cardona
Eight-person Tag Team War Games