Ultimate Swole ( Mr. Atlantis (c) & HHV (c) ) VS The Commotion ( Grizzly Mack & Travis Moore ) VS The Kawaii Kids ( Laurel CassieD & Nilo Reyes )
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Luta Livre
Ben Ortmanns
Mikey Jenkins
Mr. Atlantis
Grizzly Mack
Travis Moore
Laurel CassieD
Nilo Reyes
Tag Team CBPW Tag Team Championship
Isaiah Cross
JT Kirk
D. Smith
Tyler Thomas
Matt Grant
CBPW Internet Championship
Alexia Nicole
Gabriel Fuerza
Krystal Moon
Rajan Husher
Tag Team
Myung-Jae Lee
Brother Earth
Mark Shaw
Pretty Ricky Willdy
CBPW Heavyweight Championship Three-Way
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