Resultados de Total Rumble 8
Mostrar resultados Triple W - Total Rumble 8 (Madrid, Espanha - 2018)
Adam Chase derrota Alex Soul e Baron Aguilar e Chad Parker e David Ross e Dorian e Edu e Elvis e Faith e Kaiden e Mike Murdock e Morgan Knight e Nebula e Nicky Orion e Paolo e Astiles e Black Avalon e Duke Stone e Keibel e Nathan Young e Noah Striker e Red Amethys e Ryan Rocket e Samoa Fenix e Sarah Leonhart e Seth e Silver Cage e Ulises e Viral e Yunke
Total Rumble Match
The Radical Bikers derrota B And B
Tag Team Match
Triple W Tag Team Championship Match
Ruky (c) derrota Elias (Javi Pena) e Jason Jupiter
Level One Championship Match
Three-Way Match
Utopia derrota Chris Brookes & Zayas
Tag Team Match
A-Kid (c) derrota Zack Sabre Jr.
Triple W Absolute Championship Match