Resultados de SLAM! Pro Wrestling League 11
Mostrar resultados SLAM! - SLAM! Pro Wrestling League 11 (Canberra, Austrália - 2024)
Luke Watts (c) derrota Vinnie Bronson
SLAM! Championship Match
Mikey Broderick derrota Damian Slater
The Joker And The Thief (Jimmy Townsend & Mick Moretti) derrotam Lee Morrow & Hugh Beauty
Tag Team Match
Rita Stone derrota Bel Pierce
Dan Archer derrota Tuckman
Ricky South derrota Tuckman e Tommy Knight e Cyclone Jr. e Damian Slater e Jimmy Townsend e Hugh Beauty e Dan Archer e Lee Morrow e Jordane Lock e Josh e Mikey Broderick e Mick Moretti e King Vance e Skol e The Goblin Kid e Randy Chambers e Slamoo e The Grand IK e Vinnie Bronson
Rumble Match