Resultados de Battle Of Spaulding II
Mostrar resultados SLA - Battle Of Spaulding II (Alton, Estados Unidos - 2024)
Chase Holliday derrota L-Ride
BA Malkin & Damien Deschain & Brooks Berna derrotam Kenny Kalix & El DLC & Luminary
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Warhorse derrota Victor Analog
Camaro Jackson derrota Mad Dog Connelly
Mat Fitchett derrota Laynie Luck e Tommy Davis e Shazza McKenzie
Four-Way Match
Jeremy Wyatt derrota Adrian Surge
Davey Vega (c) derrota Anakin Murphy
Destination Championship Match
Angelus Layne & Luke Langley & Derek Neal derrotam Madi Monarch & ATM & Rahim De La Suede
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Thomas Shire derrota Ken Broadway
Aaron Williams derrota Nick King
Christian Rose & Connor Hopkins derrotam The New Guys (Jake Bosche & Scott Stanley)
Tag Team Match
Gary Jay derrota Lenny Mephisto