Fight For The Honey Badger
Cartão, notas e resultados do show Indy - Fight For The Honey Badger (Tullahoma, Estados Unidos - 2025)
Byff VS Mike Cobb VS David Norris
Three-Way Match
Destiny VS Diamond
Demeko Graves & Zakk Austin VS Preston Adams & JDV
Tag Team Match
Brent Powers VS Big Knox VS The Artist Formerly Known As Snyder VS Byff VS David Norris VS Cousin Condry VS DJ Arp VS JDV VS Drew Weatherby VS Homegrown VS The Slug VS Johnny Gunnz VS Mike Cobb VS Mr. Jimmy VS Zakk Austin VS Preston Adams VS Yukon Jack
Battle Royal Match
Austin Wright & Lewis Antonio & Anthony Ray & Travis Locke VS Ryder Anderson & Mikey Dunn & Michael Dunn & Poncho Arp
Eight-person Tag Team Match