Resultados de Paranormal Activities
Mostrar resultados Horror Slam - Paranormal Activities (Detroit, Estados Unidos - 2025)
The Solution derrota Schwartzy (c) e Marcus Porter e Dean Hendrix
Four-Way Match
Horror Slam HorrorCore Championship Match
Dustin Devine derrota Joseph Antonio Guerrero
Hoodfoot derrota LaDon Sanders
Randi West derrota Bobby V
Barbed Wire Madness Death Match
Breyer Wellington derrota Stella Buho
Stella Buho derrota Breyer Wellington
Cesar Ashur (c) & Mighty Bojack (c) derrotam Grim Reality (Devon Ryker & Angel De Fay)
Tag Team Match
Horror Slam Tag Team Championship Match
Malcolm Monroe III derrota Tommy Trainwreck
Fans Bring the Weapons Match