DPW Live 3
Cartão, notas e resultados do show DPW - DPW Live 3 (Ridgefield Park, Estados Unidos - 2023)
Marcus Mathers & Above The Rest (Gabriel Skye & Tristen Thai) VS Miracle Generation (Dustin Waller & Kylon King) & Alec Price
Kevin Blackwood VS LaBron Kozone
Takumi Iroha VS Mio Momono VS Masha Slamovich
Three-Way Match
The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry) VS Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson)
Tag Team Match
Kevin Ku VS Dominic Garrini VS Bryan Keith (c) VS Mike Bailey
Four-Way Match
DPW National Championship Match
Jay Malachi (c) VS Jordan Oliver
DPW Worlds Championship Match
Colby Corino VS Krule
Krule Kombat Last Man Standing Match