Resultados de Festival Of Fights
Mostrar resultados BRCW - Festival Of Fights (Boca Raton, Estados Unidos - 2024)
Ariel Levy derrota Charlie Brown e Steve Maclin e Lakay e Tito Lincoln
Five-Way Match
Scramble Match
Madman Fulton derrota Chris Masters
Neil The Heel (c) derrota Alan Martinez
BRCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) derrotam Better Together (Hadar Horvitz & Ori Gold)
Tag Team Match
Colt Cabana derrota Bull James
Deonna Purrazzo derrota Chelsea Durden
Matt Riddle (c) & Stallion Rogers (c) derrotam Matt Taven & Anthony Greene
Tag Team Match
BRCW Tag Team Championship Match
MJF derrota Q. T. Marshall