Resultados de Guardians Of 2econd
Mostrar resultados 2econd - Guardians Of 2econd (Arlington Heights, Estados Unidos - 2024)
Alfredo Albiter (c) derrota Stone Ambrose e Eddie Grayson
Three-Way Match
2econd Go-Go Championship Match
Sean Login (c) derrota Matt Knicks
Maxwell Street Heritage Championship Match
Vix Crow derrota Heather Monroe
Jake Parnell derrota Rafael Quintero
Shazza McKenzie derrota Brooke Havok
Axel Rico & Akira Gonzalez X & Ezio Orlandi derrotam CJ Martin & Koda Hernandez & Darius Latrell
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Shelly Benson derrota Jazmin Allure
The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) derrotam Storm Grayson & David Ali
Tag Team Match