Gorilla Position

Paul Roma - 試合

注目の試合を見る | Fight Of The Night

最新のプロレスの試合を見つけ、プロモーション(NJPW、AJPW、WWEなど)、レスラー(オカダ・カズチカ、鷹木信悟、Roman Reignsなど)、試合のタイプ、または試合の日付や場所で並べ替えます。

Alex Wright VS Paul Roma
WCW - 1995 - SuperBrawl V
Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma) VS Stars And Stripes (The Patriot (c) & Marcus Alexander Bagwell (c))
WCW - 1994 - Halloween Havoc 1994 - タッグマッチ , WCW World Tag Team Championshipマッチ
Stars And Stripes (The Patriot & Marcus Alexander Bagwell) VS Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff (c) & Paul Roma (c))
WCW - 1994 - Fall Brawl '94: War Games - タッグマッチ , WCW World Tag Team Championshipマッチ
Pretty Wonderful (Paul Roma & Paul Orndorff) VS Cactus Jack (c) & Kevin Sullivan (c)
WCW - 1994 - Bash at the Beach - タッグマッチ , WCW World Tag Team Championshipマッチ
The Armstrongs VS Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - タッグマッチ
Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma) VS 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Alexander Bagwell
WCW - 1993 - Starrcade '93: 10th Anniversary - タッグマッチ
Brian Knobbs & Johnny B. Badd VS Erik Watts & Paul Roma
WCW - 1993 - BattleBowl - タッグマッチ
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) VS Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson (c) & Paul Roma (c))
WCW - 1993 - Fall Brawl '93: War Games - タッグマッチ , WCW World Tag Team Championshipマッチ
Brian Pillman (c) & Steve Austin (c) VS Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson & Paul Roma)
WCW - 1993 - Beach Blast 1993 - タッグマッチ , WCW World Tag Team Championshipマッチ
The Warlord & Paul Roma & Hercules VS The Dragon & The British Bulldog & The Texas Tornado
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - 6人タッグマッチマッチ
Power and Glory VS The Legion of Doom
WWF - 1991 - WrestleMania VII - タッグマッチ
Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1991 - Royal Rumble 1991 - Royal Rumbleマッチ
Ted DiBiase & Rick Martel & The Warlord & Hercules & Paul Roma VS Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior & Tito Santana
WWF - 1990 - Survivor Series 1990 - Survivor Seriesマッチ
The Vipers VS The Visionaries
WWF - 1990 - Survivor Series 1990 - Survivor Seriesマッチ
The Rockers VS Power and Glory
WWF - 1990 - SummerSlam 1990 - タッグマッチ
Paul Roma VS The Brooklyn Brawler
WWF - 1990 - WrestleMania VI
Paul Roma VS The Brooklyn Brawler
WWF - 1990 - Royal Rumble 1990
Boris Zhukov VS Paul Roma
WWF - 1989 - Survivor Series 1989
10-on-10 Survivor Series Match
WWF - 1988 - Survivor Series 1988 - Survivor Seriesマッチ
20 Men Battle Royal
WWF - 1988 - WrestleMania IV - バトルロイヤルマッチ






