Gorilla Position

WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship - 試合

試合形式に関連するプロレス試合を見つける:WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship.

Chris Benoit (c) VS Chris Jericho
WWF - 2000 - Backlash 2000 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Chris Jericho (c) VS Kurt Angle
WWF - 2000 - No Way Out - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Chris Jericho (c) VS Hardcore Holly VS Chyna (c)
WWF - 2000 - Royal Rumble 2000 - Undisputed WWF Championshipマッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ , Triple Threatマッチ
Chris Jericho (c) VS Hardcore Holly
WWF - 1999 - SmackDown #19 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Chris Jericho (c) VS Prince Albert
WWF - 1999 - SmackDown #18 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Chris Jericho VS Chyna (c)
WWF - 1999 - Armageddon - Intergenderマッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Chyna (c) VS Chris Jericho
WWF - 1999 - Survivor Series 1999 - Intergenderマッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Jeff Jarrett (c) VS Chyna
WWF - 1999 - No Mercy 1999 - US - Good Housekeepingマッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
D'Lo Brown VS Jeff Jarrett (c)
WWF - 1999 - Rebellion - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Jeff Jarrett (c) VS Chyna
WWF - 1999 - Unforgiven - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Jeff Jarrett (c) VS Test
WWF - 1999 - SmackDown #5 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
D'Lo Brown (c) VS Jeff Jarrett
WWF - 1999 - SummerSlam 1999 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
The Godfather (c) VS Goldust
WWF - 1999 - Backlash - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Goldust VS Ken Shamrock VS Road Dogg (c) VS Val Venis
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - イリミネーションマッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ , Four Cornersマッチ
Ken Shamrock (c) VS Val Venis
WWE - 1999 - St. Valentine's Day Massacre: In Your House - Special Guest Refereeマッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Ken Shamrock (c) VS Billy Gunn
WWF - 1999 - Royal Rumble 1999 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Steve Blackman VS Ken Shamrock (c)
WWF - 1998 - Capital Carnage - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Ken Shamrock (c) VS Mankind
WWF - 1998 - Judgment Day: In Your House - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
The Rock (c) VS Triple H
WWF - 1998 - SummerSlam 1998 - Ladderマッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
The Rock (c) VS Triple H
WWF - 1998 - Fully Loaded: In Your House - 3本勝負マッチ , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championshipマッチ






