WrestleARTS 18: The Panther Royale
大会カード、評価、結果 Wrestle Arts - WrestleARTS 18: The Panther Royale (Indianapolis, 米国 - 2024)
Deion Freeman VS Dylan Cole
Appollo Starr & Qassius Starr VS Sage Philips & Jordan Dye
Kavron Kanyon & Edrys Wolff VS The Dragons (Ace Perry (c) & デイル・パトリックス (c))
Wrestle Arts Global Tag Team Championshipマッチ
Brayden Lee (c) VS Tripp Cassidy VS Rhys Maddox
Wrestle Arts Triple Threat Championshipマッチ
Alice Crowley (c) VS Leela Feist
Wrestle Arts Global Women's Championshipマッチ
Shawn Kemp VS Josh Crane (c)
Wrestlenerds Internet Domain Championshipマッチ