Live Pro Wrestling
大会カード、評価、結果 VCW - Live Pro Wrestling (Moundsvill, 米国 - 2024)
Clayton King VS ビーストマン
Remy LaVey VS JAZ
Mad Dog Myers VS Keith Haught
Canaan Kristopher & Tyler Brooks & Glenn Spectre VS The Foxcatcher & Terry The White Trash Luchador & Zeke Mercer
Saturday Night Special (DD Vice (c) & Marcus Twist (c)) VS Wayward Sons (Gavin Jacobs & Garyt Lee)
VCW Tag Team Championshipマッチ
Cowpoke Paul (c) VS Nathan Auldridge
VCW Heavyweight Championshipマッチ
Mad Dog Myers (c) VS ビーストマン
VCW Brass Knuckles Championshipマッチ