Faith In Monsters
大会カード、評価、結果 Hoodslam - Faith In Monsters (Oakland, 米国 - 2024)
ビバ・ヴァン VS Mikey Jay (c)
GLAM Championshipマッチ
Anton Voorhees & Stoner Brothers (Scott Rick Stoner & Rick Scott Stoner) VS Lost Treasures (Joe DeSoul & Matt Carlos & Lara Frazier)
Dr. Von Eerie & Marco VS ダーク・シーク & Vipress
Cereal Man VS Kenny K (c)
Best Athlete In The East Bay Championshipマッチ
D-Torch (c) & Rob Hands (c) VS Mansoor & Kittybusa
Intergalactic Tag Team Championshipマッチ
James C VS Richard Shhhnary
Joey Gonzo VS Lil Crush
Jeff The Shark VS Brittany Wonder