Gorilla Position

Takashi Ishikawa - Combattimenti

Guarda i combattimenti in evidenza | Fight Of The Night

Trova gli ultimi incontri di wrestling, ordinati per compagnia (WWE, AEW, NJPW, ecc.), wrestler (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, ecc.), stipula o data o luogo dell'incontro.

Osamu Kido & Riki Choshu VS Kengo Kimura & Takashi Ishikawa
NJPW - 1997 - Best Of The Super Junior IV, notte 17 - Tag Team Match
Takashi Ishikawa & Super Strong Machine VS Manabu Nakanishi & Masahiro Chono
NJPW - 1993 - G1 Climax 3, notte 6 - Tag Team Match
Raging Staff & Ishikawa VS Anti-Players Association
NJPW - 1993 - G1 Climax 3, notte 5 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Tatsumi Fujinami VS Takashi Ishikawa
WCW - 1993 - WCW/New Japan Supershow III
Mighty Inoue & Takashi Ishikawa VS Motoshi Okuma & Haruka Eigen
AJPW - 1988 - Real World Tag League 1988, notte 23 - Tag Team Match
US Express VS Masanobu Fuchi & Takashi Ishikawa
AJPW - 1986 - New Year Wars Super Battle 1986 - Night 25 - Tag Team Match
Kokusai Ketsumeigun VS Giant Baba & Mighty Inoue & Takashi Ishikawa
AJPW - 1985 - 85 Gekitoh! Exciting Wars - Night 14 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Harley Race & Nick Bockwinkel VS Mighty Inoue & Takashi Ishikawa
AJPW - 1984 - Real World Tag League 1984 - Night 15 - Tag Team Match





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