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Vittoria Doink The Clown
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Stati Uniti
Prossimo incontro
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) VS Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly)
Doink The Clown
Jim Powers
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner
Beau Beverly
Blake Beverly
Tag Team
Shawn Michaels
Marty Jannetty
WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship
Big Boss Man
Bam Bam Bigelow
Razor Ramon
Bret Hart
WWF Championship
Royal Rumble
Eventi vicini
Monday Night Raw #1
11/01/1993 - New York City, New York, Stati Uniti
Monday Night Raw #2
25/01/1993 - New York City, New York, Stati Uniti
Monday Night Raw #3
Monday Night Raw #4
01/02/1993 - New York City, New York, Stati Uniti
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