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FFW > 2024 > Barracks Wars 3 >

Lenny Lynch VS Leighton LeBlanc VS Axel Rico VS Connor Allbright VS Chris Royals VS Cain Westwood VS Jason Joshua VS Dan Splash VS Fordy VS No Fun Dunne VS Louis Osborne VS Kai Moonheart VS The Judge VS TJ Sky VS Reece

Lenny Lynch VS Leighton LeBlanc VS Axel Rico VS Connor Allbright VS Chris Royals VS Cain Westwood VS Jason Joshua VS Dan Splash VS Fordy VS No Fun Dunne VS Louis Osborne VS Kai Moonheart VS The Judge VS TJ Sky VS Reece

Mostra risultato Type Rumble Match

Vittoria Leighton LeBlanc

Barracks Academy Championship #1 Contendership

- / 5

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