Kenny King (c) VS El Chupacabra VS Rick Scott Stoner VS Juice Lee
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Four-Way Match Best Athlete In The East Bay Championship MatchVittoria Kenny King
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Kenny King - El Chupacabra
- Rick Scott Stoner
- Juice Lee
Hop Daddy
Rob Hands
GLAM Championship
Maki Itoh
Sawyer Wreck
DARK Sheik
Tag Team
Brooke Havok
Johnnie Robbie
Jaguar Montoya
Joey Gonzo
Cereal Man
Richard Shhhnary
Tag Team
Mighty Mayra
Mac Daddy Mylo
James C
Scott Rick Stoner
Joe DeSoul
Lara Frazier
Three-Way Tag Team
Sandra Moone
Anton Voorhees
Kenny King
El Chupacabra
Rick Scott Stoner
Juice Lee
Four-Way Best Athlete In The East Bay Championship
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