Country Boy Takeover
Mappa, note e risultati della manifestazione NSW - Country Boy Takeover (Lawrenceburg, Stati Uniti - 2023)
Data di diffusione
Data di registrazione
Modalità filtro
Gaston LaRue VS Berto
Alexis Littlefoot VS Arie Alexander (c)
NSW Upstart Women's Championship Match
Matt Atreya VS Adrian Alexander (c)
Nice Guy Andy Podcast Championship Match
Myron Reed (c) VS Matt Diesel
NSW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Omega & Mikey Motor VS Garrisaon Creed & Jordan Kage
Tag Team Match
Dalton McKenzie VS Carson Drake
Lord Crewe (c) VS Brian Pillman Jr.
NSW Heavyweight Championship Match
Xodiak The Mystic VS Dylan Bostic
Troy Parker VS Evil Nate VS Dustin Jackson (c)
NSW Upstart Championship Match
Three-Way Match
The Box Office Blonds VS Colorblind
Tag Team Match
Marty Clay (c) VS Oliver Gunner
NSW X Division Championship Match