Risultati di Boogey Nights
Mostra risultati AIW - Boogey Nights (Akron, Stati Uniti - 2023)
Katie Arquette sconfigge Xia Brookside
Members Only (Calvin G. Lewis & Malcolm Cambridge) sconfiggono Bang And Matthews (August Matthews & Davey Bang)
Tag Team Match
Wes Barkley (c) sconfigge Austin James
AIW Intense Championship Match
Jordan Styles sconfigge Colin Delaney e Kay Arcadia e Koda Hernandez e Dex Royal e Shelby Wylder
Six-Way Match
Scramble Match
Sam Holloway sconfigge Eric Taylor
Money Shot (Elijah Dean (c) & Zach Nystrom (c)) sconfiggono The Philly Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins)
Tag Team Match
AIW Tag Team Championship Match
Derek Dillinger sconfigge Magnum CK e Tom Lawlor e Joshua Bishop
Four-Way Match
Tre Lamar & Mikey Montgomery & Último Dragón sconfiggono Josh Prohibition & Dominic Garrini & Matt Cross
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Isaiah Broner (c) sconfigge Chuck Stone
AIW Absolute Championship Match