Risultati di MV Young's Very Legal Show That's Happening The Night Before Thanksgiving 2
Mostra risultati 880 - MV Young's Very Legal Show That's Happening The Night Before Thanksgiving 2 (New Kensington, Stati Uniti - 2023)
Blizzy Blake sconfigge Brianna Bandz e Aaron Flynn e Brohemoth e Jayce Karr e Jay Kharma e Chas D'Amato e Ryan Zane e Joe Murphy e Some Guy Named John e Keith Haught e Troy Tresdin e Shawn Anderson
Rumble Match
David Lawless sconfigge Cowpoke Paul
MV Young sconfigge Dior Castro
Casket Match
Nix Wilde & Tatiana & Jack Pollock & Marco Narcisso sconfiggono Tyler Klein & Calvin Couture & Steel Dragon & Zeke Mercer
Brandon St. James & KC Warr sconfiggono Mikey Montgomery & Ziggy Haim
Tag Team Match
Reese Hayes sconfigge Gianni Michael Emricko (c)
880 Championship Match
Title vs Career Match