Gorilla Position

Justin Credible

Matchs de Justin Credible (sous ses différents noms) les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre.

Voir uniquement en tant que Justin Credible Aldo Montoya P.J. Polaco PJ Walker

Derniers combats ajoutés

P.J. Polaco VS Stevie Richards
TNA - 2010 - Hardcore Justice 2010
Raven VS P.J. Polaco
TNA - 2005 - Genesis
Jerry Lynn VS Justin Credible
NWA-TNA - 2003 - Total Nonstop Action #51 - Lights Out Match
Justin Credible VS Jerry Lynn
NWA-TNA - 2003 - TNA 1st Anniversary Show
Big Show VS Steven Richards & Justin Credible
WWF - 2002 - Backlash 2002 - Handicap Match
Immunity Battle Royal
WWF - 2001 - Survivor Series 2001 - Battle Royal Match
Albert & Scotty 2 Hotty & Spike Dudley VS Justin Credible & Lance Storm & Raven
WWF - 2001 - Survivor Series 2001 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Justin Credible & Lance Storm VS Billy & Chuck
WWF - 2001 - Rebellion 2001 - Tag Team Match
Matt Hardy (c) VS Justin Credible
WWF - 2001 - King of the Ring 2001 - WWF European Championship Match
The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq) VS The X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible) VS Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit VS Team Xtreme (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) VS Radicalz (Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn) VS Edge & Christian VS The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley)
WWF - 2001 - Judgment Day 2001 - Tag Team Match , Turmoil Match
Team Xtreme (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) VS The X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible) VS The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley) VS Edge & Christian
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001 - Elimination Match , Four-Way Match , Tag Team Match
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley) & Spike Dudley VS The X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible & Albert)
WWF - 2001 - Backlash 2001 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Grand Master Sexay & Steve Blackman VS The X-Factor (Justin Credible & X-Pac)
WWF - 2001 - WrestleMania X-Seven - Tag Team Match
Steve Corino (c) VS The Sandman VS Justin Credible
ECW - 2001 - Guilty as Charged 2001 - Chairs Match , Ladder Match , Singapore Cane Match , Tables Match , Three-Way Match , ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Justin Credible VS The Sandman VS Steve Corino (c)
ECW - 2000 - Holiday Hell 2000 - Three-Way Match , ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Steve Corino (c) VS Jerry Lynn VS Justin Credible
ECW - 2000 - Massacre on 34th Street - Three-Way Match , ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Sandman VS Steve Corino VS Jerry Lynn (c) VS Justin Credible
ECW - 2000 - November to Remember 2000 - Double Jeopardy Match , ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jerry Lynn VS Justin Credible (c)
ECW - 2000 - Anarchy Rulz 2000 - ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Justin Credible (c) VS Tommy Dreamer
ECW - 2000 - Heat Wave 2000 - Stairway to Hell Match , ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Justin Credible (c) VS Lance Storm
ECW - 2000 - Hardcore Heaven 2000 - ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match





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