Gorilla Position

Sakie Hasegawa

Matchs de Sakie Hasegawa (sous ses différents noms) les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre.

Voir uniquement en tant que Sakie Hasegawa Blizzard Yuki

Derniers combats ajoutés

Sakie Hasegawa & Nanami VS Chie Ozora & Tsubasa Kuragaki
YMZ - 2024 - Gokigen Carnival ☆ 2024 - Tag Team Match
Alundra Blayze & Kyoko Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa & Chaparita ASARI VS Bertha Faye & Aja Kong & Tomoko Watanabe & Lioness Asuka
WWF - 1995 - Survivor Series 1995 - Survivor Series Match
Blizzard Yuki & Kaoru Ito & Mariko Yoshida VS Takako Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe & Toshiyo Yamada
AJW - 1995 - Destiny - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Manami Toyota (c) & Sakie Hasegawa (c) VS Double Inoue (Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue)
AJW - 1995 - WWWA Champions Night Osaka Queen's Holy Night - Tag Team Match , Two Out Of Three Falls Match , WWWA Tag Team Championship Match
Sakie Hasegawa VS Kyoko Inoue
AJW - 1995 - Japan Grand Prix 1995, nuit 8
Mariko Yoshida VS Blizzard Yuki
AJW - 1994 - Doumu Super Woman Great War ~ Big Egg Wrestling Universe
Sakie Hasegawa VS Reggie Bennett
AJW - 1994 - Wrestlemarinpiad 1994
Eagle Sawai & Yasha Kurenai VS Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa
AJW - 1993 - Tag League The Best 1993, nuit 43 - Tag Team Match
Kaoru Ito (c) & Sakie Hasegawa (c) VS Miki Handa & Yasha Kurenai
AJW - 1993 - St. Battle Final 1993 - Japanese Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Team AJW VS Team JWP
AJW - 1993 - Thunder Queen Battle in Yokohama - Eight-person Tag Team Match , First Attack Match , Iron Woman Match Match
Sakie Hasegawa VS Hikari Fukuoka
AJW - 1993 - Dream Slam 2
Kaoru Ito & Sakie Hasegawa VS Plum Mariko & Hikari Fukuoka
AJW - 1993 - Dream Slam 1 - Tag Team Match
Mariko Yoshida & Takako Inoue VS Sakie Hasegawa (c) & Debbie Malenko (c)
AJW - 1992 - Wrestlemarinepiad 1992 - Japanese Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Mariko Yoshida & Mayumi Yamamoto VS Sakie Hasegawa & Tomoko Watanabe
AJW - 1991 - AJW Show - Tag Team Match





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