Gorilla Position

Shawn Daivari

Matchs de Shawn Daivari (sous ses différents noms) les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre.

Voir uniquement en tant que Shawn Daivari Daivari Sheik Abdul Bashir

Derniers combats ajoutés

Jeremiah Plunkett & Shawn Daivari VS Nick Aldis & Chris Adonis
NWA - 2021 - Powerrr #36 - The Champions Series 2021 - Tag Team Match
Ace Austin VS Blake Christian VS Josh Alexander VS Daivari VS Suicide VS Willie Mack VS Chris Bey VS Trey Miguel
IMPACT! - 2021 - No Surrender 2021 - Gauntlet Match
Daivari VS Cousin Jake
IMPACT! - 2021 - Genesis 2021 - Super X Cup 2021
Eddie Edwards VS Daivari
IMPACT! - 2020 - Turning Point 2020
Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match
IMPACT! - 2020 - Bound for Glory 2020 - Gauntlet Match , Intergender Match
Shawn Daivari VS Eddie Edwards (c)
ROH - 2010 - Glory By Honor IX - ROH World Championship Match
Kevin Nash & Rob Terry & Samoa Joe & Sheik Abdul Bashir VS Cody Deaner & Consequences Creed & Beer Money, Inc. (James Storm & Robert Roode) & Jay Lethal VS World Elite
TNA - 2009 - Final Resolution 2009 - Feast or Fired Match
Young & Lethal Consequences VS Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) & Sheik Abdul Bashir
TNA - 2009 - Sacrifice 2009 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Consequences Creed VS Kiyoshi VS Jay Lethal VS Suicide (Kaz) (c) VS Sheik Abdul Bashir
TNA - 2009 - Lockdown 2009 - TNA X Division Championship Match , Xscape Match
Shane Sewell VS Sheik Abdul Bashir
TNA - 2009 - Genesis 2009
Sheik Abdul Bashir (c) VS Eric Young
TNA - 2008 - Final Resolution 2008 #2 - TNA X Division Championship Match
Rhino VS Sheik Abdul Bashir VS Alex Shelley
TNA - 2008 - Impact #231 - Turkey Bowl 2008 - Three-Way Match
Jimmy Rave VS Sheik Abdul Bashir VS Matt Morgan
TNA - 2008 - Impact #231 - Turkey Bowl 2008 - Three-Way Match
Rhino VS Sheik Abdul Bashir
TNA - 2008 - Turning Point 2008
Sheik Abdul Bashir (c) VS Consequences Creed
TNA - 2008 - Bound for Glory IV - TNA X Division Championship Match
Petey Williams (c) VS Sheik Abdul Bashir VS Consequences Creed
TNA - 2008 - No Surrender 2008 - TNA X Division Championship Match , Three-Way Match
Daivari VS Kaz VS Naruki Doi VS Volador Jr.
TNA - 2008 - Victory Road 2008 - Four-Way Match , Ultimate X Match
Gregory Helms (c) VS Jimmy Wang Yang VS Scotty 2 Hotty VS Daivari VS Jamie Noble VS Funaki VS Chavo Guerrero VS Shannon Moore
WWE - 2007 - No Way Out 2007 - Open Match , WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Tommy Dreamer VS Daivari
WWE - 2006 - December to Dismember 2006
Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels VS Daivari & Muhammad Hassan
WWE - 2005 - Backlash 2005 - Tag Team Match





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