Gorilla Position

Philadelphia Civic Center


Sting VS Vader
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - WCW International World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs (c) & Jerry Sags) VS Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - Broad Street Bully Match , Special Guest Referee Match , Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Ric Flair (c) VS Barry Windham
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Bunkhouse Buck VS Dustin Rhodes
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - Texas Bullrope Match
Larry Zbyszko VS Lord Steven Regal
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994
Terry Funk VS Tully Blanchard
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994
Steve Austin (c) VS Johnny B. Badd
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match
The Armstrongs VS Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - Tag Team Match
Sting VS Jake Roberts
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992 - Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal Match
The Barbarian VS Ron Simmons (c)
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Masahiro Chono (c) VS Rick Rude
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992 - NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match , Special Guest Referee Match
Steve Williams & Steve Austin VS Barry Windham (c) & Dustin Rhodes (c)
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992 - NWA World Tag Team Championship Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Nikita Koloff VS Big Van Vader (c)
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992 - WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match
Brian Pillman VS Ricky Steamboat
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992
Arn Anderson & Michael Hayes & Bobby Eaton VS Tom Zenk & Johnny Gunn & Shane Douglas
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
The Vegas Connection VS Erik Watts & Van Hammer
WCW - 1992 - Halloween Havoc 1992 - Tag Team Match
Terry Funk & The Great Muta VS Four Horsemen (Ric Flair & Sting)
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - Special Guest Referee Match , Thunderdome Match , Tag Team Match
The Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) VS The Skyscrapers
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - Tag Team Match
Lex Luger (c) VS Brian Pillman
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - NWA United States Heavyweight Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) VS Doom (Ron Simmons & Butch Reed)
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - Tag Team Match





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