Gorilla Position

The Palace of Auburn Hills


The Blue Bloods VS The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner (c) & Scott Steiner (c))
WCW - 1997 - World Ward 3 1997 - Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Último Dragón VS Yuji Nagata
WCW - 1997 - World Ward 3 1997
Saturn (c) VS Disco Inferno
WCW - 1997 - World Ward 3 1997 - WCW World Television Championship Match
Glacier & Ernest Miller VS Faces of Fear (Meng & The Barbarian)
WCW - 1997 - World Ward 3 1997 - Tag Team Match
Yokozuna (c) VS Lex Luger
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993 - WWF Championship Match
The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn) & Tatanka VS Bam Bam Bigelow & Fatu & Samu
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Giant Gonzalez VS The Undertaker
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993 - Rest in Peace Match
Marty Jannetty VS Ludvig Borga
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993
Bret Hart VS Jerry Lawler
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993
Doink The Clown VS Bret Hart
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993
1-2-3 Kid VS Irwin R. Schyster
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Mr. Perfect
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner (c)) VS Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard)
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993 - Tag Team Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Ted DiBiase VS Razor Ramon
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993
Bret Hart VS Barry Horowitz
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993





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