Gorilla Position

Yujiro Yamamoto - Matchs

Matchs de Yujiro Yamamoto les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre.

Yujiro Yamamoto & Takuya Wada VS Takahiro Tababa & Thunder Summers
Hard Hit - 2024 - Hard Hit's Revenge - Tag Team Match
CRAZY J VS Cerejeira VS Himiko VS Kaori Yoneyama VS Fuminori Abe VS Kenta Hattori VS Hiroshi Yamato VS Matsuzawa-san VS Kohei Tokeshi VS KURO-OBI VS Shingo VS Minoru Fujita VS Mr. Atomic VS Takayuki Ueki VS Takuma Joshiba VS Takuya Wada VS Toshiyuki Sakuda VS Towa Iwasaki VS Takahiro Tababa VS Yujiro Yamamoto VS Tyson Maeguchi VS Tsuyoshi Okada VS Daiki Shimomura
Indy - 2023 - Niconico Presents Hikaru Sato's Produce ~ Hentai Wa Yume O Mita - Battle Royal Match
Takuya Wada & Shuichiro Katsumura & Yujiro Yamamoto VS Chicharito Shoki & Abe THE MAJOR History & Kazuki Hashimoto
Indy - 2023 - Indie Junior Festival ~ We Are All Alive 2 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Chicharito Shoki & Abe THE MAJOR History & Kazuki Hashimoto VS Takuya Wada & Shuichiro Katsumura & Yujiro Yamamoto
Indy - 2023 - Indie Junior Festival ~ We Are All Alive 2 - Six-Person Tag Team Match





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