Gorilla Position

Toshiaki Kawada - Matchs

Matchs de Toshiaki Kawada les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre.

The Holy Demon Army VS Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa)
AJPW - 1993 - Real World Tag League 1993, nuit 18 - AJPW World Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Tracy Smothers VS Toshiaki Kawada
AJPW - 1993 - Summer Action Series II 1993, nuit 10
Mitsuharu Misawa (c) VS Toshiaki Kawada
AJPW - 1993 - Summer Action Series 1993, nuit 22 - Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship Match
Holy Demon Army (Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada & Yoshinari Ogawa) VS Super Generation Army (Jun Akiyama & Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa)
AJPW - 1993 - Summer Action Series 1993, nuit 1 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Kenta Kobashi VS Toshiaki Kawada
AJPW - 1993 - Champion Carnival 1993, nuit 16
Super Generation Army (Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada) VS The Patriot & Richard Slinger
AJPW - 1992 - Summer Action Series 1992, nuit 2 - Tag Team Match
Johnny Smith & The Patriot VS Super Generation Army (Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada)
AJPW - 1992 - Super Power Series 1992, nuit 8 - Tag Team Match
Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada) VS Tsuruta-gun
AJPW - 1992 - Super Power Series 1992, nuit 6 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Tsuruta-gun VS Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada)
AJPW - 1991 - Fan Appreciation Day - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Tsuruta-gun VS Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada)
AJPW - 1990 - October Giant Series 1990, nuit 16 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Tsuruta-gun VS Super Generation Army (Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada)
AJPW - 1990 - October Giant Series 1990, nuit 2 - Tag Team Match
Crusher Bam Bam Bigelow VS Toshiaki Kawada
AJPW - 1990 - Super Power Series 1990, nuit 19
Revolution VS Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas & Danny Kroffat)
AJPW - 1989 - Super Power Series 1989, nuit 18 - All Asia Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Revolution VS Jumbo Tsuruta & Masanobu Fuchi & Yoshiaki Yatsu
AJPW - 1989 - New Year Giant Series 1989, nuit 17 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Stan Hansen & Terry Gordy VS Genichiro Tenryu (c) & Toshiaki Kawada (c)
AJPW - 1988 - Real World Tag League 1988, nuit 23 - Tag Team Match , AJPW World Tag Team Championship Match
Toshiaki Kawada VS Akio Sato
AJPW - 1985 - 85 Gekitoh! Exciting Wars - Night 14
Toshiaki Kawada VS Yoshihiro Momota
AJPW - 1984 - Real World Tag League 1984 - Night 15





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