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Matchs de Kaz les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre. Statistiques.

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Combats les plus récents

Daivari VS Kaz VS Naruki Doi VS Volador Jr.
TNA - 2008 - Victory Road 2008 - Four-Way Match , Ultimate X Match
Petey Williams (c) VS Kaz
TNA - 2008 - Slammiversary 2008 - TNA X Division Championship Match
Kaz VS Scott Steiner VS Samoa Joe (c)
TNA - 2008 - Sacrifice 2008 - TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match , Three-Way Match
Alex Shelley VS Chris Sabin VS Kaz VS Curry Man VS Jay Lethal VS Jimmy Rave VS Shark Boy VS Sonjay Dutt VS Consequences Creed VS Johnny Devine
TNA - 2008 - Sacrifice 2008 - TerrorDome Match
Six Team Cuffed in the Cage Match
TNA - 2008 - Lockdown 2008 - Steel Cage Match , Tag Team Match
Black Reign VS Kaz
TNA - 2008 - Final Resolution 2008 #1
Kaz VS AJ Styles
TNA - 2007 - iMPACT #182 - Loser Wears A Chicken Suit Match , Ladder Match
Kaz & Booker T VS The Angle Alliance (Christian Cage & Robert Roode)
TNA - 2007 - Turning Point 2007 - Tag Team Match
Christian Cage VS Kaz
TNA - 2007 - Genesis 2007 - Ladder Match
Kaz VS Robert Roode
TNA - 2007 - No Surrender 2007
Fight for the Right Reverse Battle Royal
TNA - 2007 - Bound for Glory 2007 - Reverse Battle Royale Match
Raven VS Kaz
TNA - 2007 - Hard Justice 2007
Jay Lethal VS Puma VS Homicide VS Christopher Daniels VS Petey Williams VS Elix Skipper VS Kaz VS Senshi VS Sonjay Dutt VS Shark Boy
TNA - 2007 - Victory Road 2007 - Gauntlet Match , Ultimate X Match
Serotonin VS The Voodoo Kin Mafia
TNA - 2007 - Lockdown 2007 - Six Sides of Steel Match , Tag Team Match





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