Vinny Talotta & The REP ( Nate Carter & Dave McCall ) VS The Lost Boys ( Athan Promise & Miles Penn & Juni Underwood )
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Live At The Battleship
- Nate Carter
- Dave McCall
- Vinny Talotta
The Lost Boys
Athan Promise -
The Lost Boys
Miles Penn -
The Lost Boys
Juni Underwood
Kris Bishop
Rich Swann
CZW World Heavyweight Championship
Gabby Gilbert
Tarzan Duran
Richard Adonis
O'Shay Edwards
Eran Ashe
Tommy Rant
Sage Chantz
Matt Quay
EN Bush
Nicco Grey
DJ Hyde
Dick Dynamo
Manbun Jesus
Troy Parker
Samwell Thompson
Ten-person Tag team
Ash Bennett
Jay Lucas
Prime Works Offwork
Nate Carter
Dave McCall
Vinny Talotta
Athan Promise
Miles Penn
Juni Underwood
Six-Person Tag Team
Brando Lee
Jordan Oliver
KO Or Submission Only
Griffin McCoy
Myles Hawkins
Brandon Watts
Randy Summers
Boom Harden
Desean Pratt
Tag Team CZW Tag Team Championship
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