Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Goldberg (c) VS Triple H VS Kane
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003 - Triple Threat Match , WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Molly Holly (c) VS Ivory
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003 - WWE Women's Championship Match
Tag Team Turmoil Match
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003 - Tag Team Match , Turmoil Match , WWE World Tag Team Championship Match
Batista VS Shawn Michaels
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003
Lita & Trish Stratus VS Chris Jericho & Christian
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003 - Intergender Match , Tag Team Match
Randy Orton VS Rob Van Dam (c)
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003 - Special Guest Referee Match , WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Mark Henry VS Booker T
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003
Rico VS Jon Heidenreich
WWE - 2003 - Armageddon 2003
Adam Pearce & Colt Cabana & Super Dragon VS CM Punk & Frankie Kazarian & Joey Ryan
PWG - 2003 - Pimpin' In High Places - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Samoa Joe VS B. J. Whitmer
PWG - 2003 - Pimpin' In High Places
The Ballard Brothers VS Jardi Frantz & M-Dogg 20
PWG - 2003 - Pimpin' In High Places - Tag Team Match
Chris Bosh VS Excalibur
PWG - 2003 - Pimpin' In High Places - Hair vs Hair Match
The Aerial Express (Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky) VS The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero)
PWG - 2003 - Pimpin' In High Places - Tag Team Match
Phoenix Star VS Zokre VS Puma
PWG - 2003 - Pimpin' In High Places - Three-Way Match
Goldberg VS Triple H (c)
WWE - 2003 - Unforgiven 2003 - Career Threatening Match , WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross VS Al Snow & Jonathan Coachman
WWE - 2003 - Unforgiven 2003
Christian (c) VS Chris Jericho VS Rob Van Dam
WWE - 2003 - Unforgiven 2003 - Triple Threat Match , WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Kane VS Shane McMahon
WWE - 2003 - Unforgiven 2003 - Last Man Standing Match
Molly Holly & Gail Kim VS Trish Stratus & Lita
WWE - 2003 - Unforgiven 2003 - Tag Team Match
Shawn Michaels VS Randy Orton
WWE - 2003 - Unforgiven 2003





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