Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

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Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Ric Flair (c) VS Dusty Rhodes
NWA ,  JCP - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Atlanta - NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match
Ivan Koloff (c) & Nikita Koloff (c) VS The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)
JCP ,  NWA - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Greensboro - NWA World Tag Team Championship Match , Steel Cage Match , Tag Team Match
The Midnight Express VS Jimmy Valiant & Miss Atlanta Lively
NWA ,  JCP - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Atlanta - Atlanta Street Fight Match , Tag Team Match
Magnum T. A. VS Tully Blanchard (c)
JCP ,  NWA - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Greensboro - I Quit Match , NWA United States Heavyweight Championship Match , Steel Cage Match
The Minnesota Wrecking Crew VS Wahoo McDaniel & Billy Jack Haynes
NWA ,  JCP - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Atlanta - NWA National Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Ron Bass VS J. J. Dillon
JCP ,  NWA - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Greensboro - Texas Bullrope Match
"Superstar" Billy Graham VS The Barbarian
NWA ,  JCP - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Atlanta
Black Bart VS Ron Bass
JCP ,  NWA - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Greensboro - Texas Bullrope Match
"Superstar" Billy Graham VS The Barbarian
NWA ,  JCP - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Atlanta - Arm Wrestling Match
Krusher Khruschev VS Sam Houston
JCP ,  NWA - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Greensboro - NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship Match
Abdullah the Butcher VS Manny Fernandez
NWA ,  JCP - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Atlanta - Mexican Death Match
Junkyard Dog VS Randy Savage
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
Randy Savage VS Dynamite Kid
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
Hulk Hogan (c) VS Roddy Piper
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic - WWF Championship Match
Paul Orndorff VS Tito Santana
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
Moondog Spot VS Junkyard Dog
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
Randy Savage VS Ricky Steamboat
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
Dynamite Kid VS Adrian Adonis
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
Bob Orton VS Paul Orndorff
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
The Magnificent Muraco VS Tito Santana
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic





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