Gorilla Position

Ryukaku Izumida - Luchas

Lutas de Ryukaku Izumida mejor valorados y más nuevos, filtrar por oponentes, estipulaciones, promociones u otro.

Can-Am Express (Danny Kroffat & Doug Furnas) VS Ryukaku Izumida & Tamon Honda
AJPW - 1996 - Super Power Series 1996, noche 5 - Tag Team Match
Kentaro Shiga & Ryukaku Izumida VS The Youngbloods (Chris Youngblood & Mark Youngblood)
AJPW - 1995 - Summer Action Series 1995, noche 1 - Tag Team Match
Haruka Eigen & Masanobu Fuchi & Ryukaku Izumida VS Abdullah the Butcher & Giant Baba & Rusher Kimura
AJPW - 1995 - Summer Action Series 1995, noche 15 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Masao Inoue & Ryukaku Izumida VS Super Generation Army (Satoru Asako & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi)
AJPW - 1995 - Champion Carnival 1995, noche 19 - Tag Team Match
Ryukaku Izumida & Takao Omori VS Doug Furnas & Rob Van Dam
AJPW - 1995 - Excite Series #1995, noche 12 - Tag Team Match
Super Generation Army (Satoru Asako & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi) VS Masao Inoue & Ryukaku Izumida
AJPW - 1995 - New Year Giant Series 1995, noche 17 - Tag Team Match
Rusher Kimura & Mitsuo Momota VS Ryukaku Izumida & Haruka Eigen
AJPW - 1994 - New Year Giant Series 1994, noche 20 - Tag Team Match
Mighty Inoue & Mitsuo Momota & Rusher Kimura VS Haruka Eigen & Masanobu Fuchi & Ryukaku Izumida
AJPW - 1993 - Real World Tag League 1993, noche 18 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Haruka Eigen & Masanobu Fuchi & Ryukaku Izumida VS Giant Baba & Mitsuo Momota & Rusher Kimura
AJPW - 1993 - Summer Action Series II 1993, noche 10 - Six-Person Tag Team Match





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