1 Called Manders & Thomas Shire VS Levi Shapiro & Jiah Jewell
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Only The Strong Survive
The Second Gear Crew
1 Called Manders - Thomas Shire
- Levi Shapiro
- Jiah Jewell
Lucha Libre
Danny Orion
Jayson Xavier
Bret The Threat
Danny Rose
Adrian Quest
Ricky Gee
Dustin Waller
Kylon King
Six-Person Tag Team
Mad Dog Connelly
Alpha Zo
1 Called Manders
Thomas Shire
Levi Shapiro
Jiah Jewell
Tag Team
Judas Icarus
Alan Angels
Travis Williams
Titus Alexander
Starboy Charlie
Daniel Garcia
Six-Person Tag Team
Zara Zakher
West Coast Pro Wrestling Women's Championship
Titus Alexander
Kevin Blackwood
West Coast Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship
Masato Tanaka
Jake Something
eventos cercanos
West Coast Pro